Michael Wheelahan married Mary Ann Clarke in New Orleans in 1850.

In 1869, he had a whole page ad in the New Orleans City Directory.

To date, we have not found a photo of Michael Wheelahan

Below the ad are photographs (12 in all) of his wife and of other grandparents

Michael's wife, Mary Ann Clarke is pictured here:

Edmund John Wheelahan is a son of Michael and Mary Ann

The first photo is of Edmund John (vintage 1900) in his

Washington Artillery Uniform.

These photos are of Edmund John at 1 and 4 years old

This photo was taken of Edmund John at age four and one half. His brother Thomas was 10.

Edmund John Wheelahan married Avonia Troyer in 1886

The two top photos of Avonia were much more recent than the lower 3 photos

These are older photos of Avonia Troyer Wheelahan

Avonia Troyer's parents were Andrew Troyer and Mary Menton Troyer, shown below.